Pretty good school, but organization has gone downhill the past year. Hopefully next year will be better, but I'm doubtful. The after-school activities are pretty fun, and there's some awesome teachers here. Definitely one of the better schools in APS.
7 years ago (14-03-2018)
this is a great school. sure there is the occasional bully, but the principal takes care of them faster than the other retarded ass principals in aps. and the dances are amasing too. there is too much tho love about this school
8 years ago (23-10-2017)
This is da worst school I went to, there's ugly-ass women, retarded people, and even sensitive kids. They cry when they get a high five. Worst one I went to
9 years ago (27-02-2017)
Has to be the worst school, their no bullying policy is a joke, the principal Mrs. Nation doesn't care about the students or their safety. Unless you are white then you aren't right for this school.
9 years ago (10-11-2016)
Because why not
7 years ago (08-03-2018)