I'm Asian. Every Friday at lunch I go to the guitar room for Asian Student Union. I would recommend this club to any Asians in the school, it is very chill my dudes. Also next year 2018-2019 I will be the VP of ASU! (:^)
7 years ago (02-05-2018)
If my children attended this school I would be livid! Spent a weekend here for a sports tournament. The restrooms are disgusting, no tissue in any of the stalls, the locks on half the stall doors are missing, soap dispensers broken and useless. And that's just the limited area accessible to the public. Very disappointing for a school that is 11 years old.
7 years ago (29-04-2018)
When I was going to this school the atmosphere and teachers were great enough to help me overcome my shyness and depression. I agree that there are bad teachers at the school, but the great ones more than make up for that. And every year I see the arts getting more and more attention. There was no school I would have rather gone to.
7 years ago (01-03-2018)
I love this school. I like the BSU program a lot!!!
8 years ago (09-01-2018)
How do you guys think any form of racism is ok? Meaning, how can a child that is the victum and has been a victum of hate crimes at this school, not allowed to comeback, but yet the 2 young men that are responsible for the act, only receive suspension? They should be expelled!!!!! That's letting children and their parents of different ethnicities know, you care less about their safety, and more about more about protecting problemed racist children.
8 years ago (04-09-2017)