Somerville Dental Associates
587 miles
You don’t have to be afraid of the dentist anymore. Paul’s practice takes all the bad...
Dr. Woo really did a good job when he pulled out my wisdom teeth. He made sure I was comfortable before the procedure started. Dr. Woo and his staff are kind and very helpful. I would highly recommend his office to anyone looking to get any dental procedures done!
At a young age I began to lose my teeth. I am now just turning 40 and for the first time in a long time I feel complete and happy. Dr. Woo performed his sculpted Smile techiqute to give me a beautiful and natural smile. I am so grateful for Dr. Woo unbelievable skill.
Just had a follow up on my implants. Everything is checked out to be solid. Gum is healthy and teeth looks so nice. Thanks to everyone in Dr. Woo's office for such great care.