My son and I have trained at Villari’s with Master Breckenridge for more than 5 Years now. The adult Blackbelt instructors here are top notch. Every belt rank and promotion is well earned!
The energy of the dojo is positive and professional. I have seen many young students have big life-changing breakthroughs.
Going from:
- timid to confident
- fearful to certain
- emotionally out of control to emotionally mature
- afraid of confrontation to comfortable in most situations
Not to mention, the long term benefits of moving through the belt ranks and accomplishing a big long term goal at such a young age. It creates a template for all future successes.
The young teen black belts and junior black belts already have much better leadership skills and self discipline than most 20 somethings, these days.
It has been the best investment I’ve made in my son‘s development! Not to mention, I’ve enjoyed the process of becoming a Blackbelt, myself. It’s been a lifelong dream, since watching Karate Kid as a child!
7 years ago (23-03-2018)