It could have been better, and it could have been worse, I guess. Half of the faculty is probably there for the sake of the kids and probably do love teaching, the rest probably got hired on from a temp agency.
7 years ago (18-04-2018)
I will keep dropping my child off in front of school with cones or without, much safer then being in the circle. So keep on yelling no dropping off ,waving arms for the next 2 years, I'll be smiling and laughing
7 years ago (23-05-2018)
I went to this school from 2005 - 2009. A few teachers were... Well why work with kids if you hate your job, kids, life and everything in between? Anyway, they do well with events, most teachers are caring and willing to help you out. All in all, it's not the best high school, but there most certainly are far worse high schools out there.
8 years ago (08-06-2017)
This school is great and attends to my sons IEP needs very well, however it's very frustrating as a parent when I call (the attendance office) no one ever answers the phone! I needed to leave my children a message and couldn't and I feel leaving certain things on an answering machine is not ok and for them to never answer is very unprofessional!
8 years ago (21-09-2017)
The front office needs to have a better system for answering incoming calls!
8 years ago (06-10-2017)