"I have never met more ignoramuses than the people working in the military and police"-Jacques Fresco famous engineer The destruction of humanity orchestrated by forces from higher above (negative entities) is evident in our world today, let us pray that the egocentric leaders of our world, government, etc. stop being so feeble minded and start caring about people in a genuine manner, their violence is only going to create more violence, being violent doesn't end well either, bullies die from cancer. Beating up a young woman on the beach is an abomination. There are better ways to handle these situations.
7 years ago (08-06-2018)
The prosecutor, judge and mayor are all part of the same team! They should not be allowed to have any say in this. In a real democracy the majority wins. The majority has spoken and we want these officers fired and charged criminally. They used excessive force! You hear this immature cop lose control by saying "you're about to get dropped" and shortly after "that's it" because he's irritated by the fact that he can't control her. Not a reason to hit anyone like that. The fact that she's a woman is not issue. Why do they let immature police men go out in public like this? He could have done plenty to de escalate the situation, especially in front of such a crowded area with children. Just another egocentric male that thinks he is above the law because he's wearing a police uniform.
7 years ago (07-06-2018)
I wont be visiting this state. I see how the police Captain allows his officers to treat people there. And then the police wonder why so many officers are getting shot. If you let your officers run around assaulting civilians then you will get what you deserve. I think IA needs to investigate this captain and his officers.
7 years ago (08-06-2018)
Just another embarrassing Police Dept who has anyone who can breath working for it that’s the qualifications. Another embarrassment of dirty cops covering for each other and making excuses for being dirty. Their culture of aggression and arrogance is disgusting.
7 years ago (07-06-2018)