Hostile environment filled with bullies, one of the supervisors named adam is probably the worst one there, he showed up late most of the time and management let him get away with it. He is a jerk, bully and grade A A$$**** who treats his coworkers like garbage. Don’t know if he’s still there due to all of the layoffs they had last year. If your thinking of working here be careful, this is a high school environment that plays favorites. There is also a lot of sexual harassment that goes on there.
7 years ago (07-06-2018)
Great growing company. You have to stand out and give your best in order to advance. Complaining will get you nowhere.
10 years ago (10-03-2016)
Lousy place to work,if you do not have your dad in higher position within the organization you do not have a chance there, there is no system or organization and leadership and worst Nepotism.
9 years ago (16-02-2017)
Preety sad they wont hired u if u have 2 duis 7 years ago even tho they like ur experience shamed on them. Got my hopes up 4 nothing what waste getting my hopes up then turning me down for 2misdemeanors they have painters who cant even speak english i wonder how they fill out travellers..i. Guess they are perfect dont wasted ur time if u have 2 duis even if u have the experience. they post adds thru agency s on craigslist 15 to 23$and at the end they want to paid the least bunk. What a dump
10 years ago (21-10-2015)