Our primary focus and mission for our association is "helping our members build, preserve and harvest multi-generational wealth” in the areas of real estate, stock market investing and business ownership. Join us the 2nd Wed. each month in NY.
A group of investors, landlords, lenders, real estate service providers, vendors and realtors who meet monthly to advance their interest in residential, multifamily and commercial investment properties. REIA NYC meetings offer you the greatest opportunity to meet and network with members with similar interests.
Mark your calendar for the second Wednesday evening of each month to attend REIA NYC's meeting held at The New Yorker Hotel, 481 8th Avenue (@34th Street), New York, NY. Our registration and beginner's session begins at 6:15p.m. Join us and become a part of the real estate investors' network serving the New York metro area, using creative real estate investing techniques, landlording tips, asset protection, wealth building, creative financing, investment strategies, land contracts, rehab property, flipping, and more.
Our mission is to help our members build, preserve, harvest & bequeath multi-generational wealth in the areas of financial literacy & real estate, stock market investing through education, networking & coaching. Join us the 2nd Wed each month in NYC.