Vjazzy Wellness
4 km
NEVER would I recommend this place to anyone. NO results AT All! They claim that afte...
De Vries Cosmetic Centre
5 km
De Vries Cosmetic Centre is a Medical Spa that will be concentrating on you as a pers...
Justina was the person who not only suggested the Body Contouring but was the actual tech who admistered the therapy. All I have to say is WOW!! How amazing is it that we have technology that works better then the gym!! I can honestly say I felt a major difference in the muscle groups that we foucused on not only did I feel better but the next day the extra energy along with the visual results took me by surprise. I highly suggest this regiment of contouring. If you want steady and consistent results long term. As long as your willing to commit to showing up and getting the amount of treatments your body needs!!