It's a court, so you can expect lines, rude clerks, late judges, the works. Nice building though. Too bad their records request system is terrible.
7 years ago (17-05-2018)
The traffic court division of this jurisdiction needs to be formally investigated for fraud upon the court. When judges begin refusing to accompany their decisions with any explanation, as I witnessed today, a breach of impartiality is suspected.
No justice here for victims of power-hungry cops alleging menial infractions (looking at you, Officer Restino). Judge appears to be just another pawn in the Arlington County police department's despicable scheme to fundraise through issuing false traffic citations. Presented with mounds of photo evidence to contradict the officer's verbal testimony (during which he later admitted to recalling information incorrectly), the judge ruled guilty and refused to provide a basis for his decision... can you say CORRUPTION!? Don't even bother with the DA- sadly, she's just there for show. It's a justice system that has not only failed to protect the rights of law abiding citizens, but actively condones flagrant impingement upon the wellbeing of innocent individuals the DOJ is charged with protecting.
If you've experienced this sort of injustice in Arlington County traffic court or are a legal professional who wants to see this system reformed, please reach out.
8 years ago (28-03-2018)
I have a really bad experience from this court because doesn’t matter what violation you have done you will be guilty.
8 years ago (18-01-2018)
Kangaroo court! Totally corrupt scum bags. I watched the old withered, bitter, mean spirited white judge ruin life after life. One man was given a public intoxication charge for yelling 'don't cross against the light!' to his friends. He had a totally clean record prior. He tried to argue to the judge that he wasn't drunk, just had a few beers and was following the laws to be safe. The judge responded by giving him the HIGHEST charge possible (he gave a much reduced fine to some guy who couldn't speak English but pleaded guilty) AND found him guilty of public intoxication.
Slimy judges and lying, filthy revenue generating pigs galore.
The judge literally EVERY SINGLE TIME sided with the officers, even when the defendants had a compelling argument. Clear that these scum bags are just raiding hard working citizen's wallets to fill their coffers to pay for luxury marble court houses. I hope they all die in a fire!
11 years ago (04-02-2015)
The clerk gave me such an attitude for asking for my past case's documents and refused to tell me where another office was as there was nobody at the help desk. Its your job you stupid cow!
9 years ago (20-04-2017)