I grew up in Florissant Missouri since 1959, my father paid 12500 for the house. Is sits at West Saint Anthony Lane and Graham Road, when we moved in we got pictures of Graham Road being a dirt road two lanes if you look across the street and to your right there was there was still some cattle there, It's a Wonderful City. I went to a school I had I had to go to a different school with my 3rd grade class because Graham school was not built yet. The graveyards is like a half a block from West Saint Anthony and Graham and if you go to the other side of the graveyard where I think it's a medical building now that's the school they built for us Graham School. I was going to comb school before that, Graham school it had wall-to-wall carpeting fully air-conditioned more safety in a tornado and things like that and right across the street there was Christian Hospital Northwest. We used to hunt rabbits all the way from Henson Lane all the way right behind that old house it's it's on Dunn Road up on the hill there. Then they started to build Hazel Crest Apartments, what a nightmare all are rabbit hunting went for not, no more rabbit hunting. We didn't really go out there and hunt rabbits we took our BB guns and pellet guns but we mainly went out there to play and we just told our parents that we were going out there to Rabbit hunt. The valley of flowers, when I was a kid I'd cut I go out and cut lawns for $0.75 that was the going price in that year, but 69 to 70 and get about $0.75 a yard. 1971 the last day in April we are saying grace at the supper table and my father had a massive heart attack we were holding hands and race that was it life over especially for my mom. My sister and I was adopted but my father was born in 1910 my mother 1915 and they adopted me right when I was born June 4th 1959. I just love Florissant I can remember there wasn't supposed to be any semi trucks on on West Saint Anthony Lane and we are out in the yard probably 68 maybe earlier I don't know and next thing I know is here's a semi truck trying to make the right on the West Saint Anthony Lane using part of our side yard to do it, now you will know this right away you've been in Florissant for any length of time or just know it. That's semi truck was carrying that World War II tank down to Bangert Park you ever been to Bangert Park you will know the tank.... so I'll come back with a message sometime I love that City and it really really got me mad when this stupid little time in Colorado comes up with a town called Florissant, you look around the map look in your computer see how many Florissant there are in the world look back at the history of Florissant Missouri or as it is called it was called Florissant Township, just enjoy the city look up on the history going to Old Town Florissant look at all the old somebody old houses from like 1880 and stuff like that enjoy the history of the town. Just enjoy the town I wish I still live there I've lost a lot of friends in that time too many deaths Too Young in my life. So you Florissant ears, enjoy your city! next time I come back on here and leave something I'll leave some more news about Florissant that the body just don't know cuz a lot of people have passed on I mean you know so I know a lot of stuff about that time of stuff about that time I was there when right there at White Castle they were using canoes to get through there now they got concrete on the side, it's called Coldwater Creek it's where the Spaniards and the Indians had their I guess clashes if you want to call it clashes or fights that's where it was done. Sunset Park is an excellent part. Yeah if you ever go by West Saint Anthony and Graham just look on the corner right there 860 Graham Road and it's a brick house that's where I spent most of my life well until next time, everyone take care and God bless your families and your friends watch out for Uncle Sam, or should I say uncle Trump?¿?¿?¿?¿?¿.... any questions? P.
8 years ago (12-04-2018)
We love coming here in the summer. Good kids area with shallow water they can stand in while offering a deeper area for older kids. Diving boards and slides available with a small concession stand.
9 years ago (28-01-2017)
I have been going to Banger Pool for many years. Very nice pool. Definitely should be updated with new pool furniture and during off season resurfacing the pool walls. Otherwise this is a great pool for families .
9 years ago (24-07-2016)
The lazy River there is very relaxing and fun to be with my family were we laugh and make jokes and splash each other and, and just to go there and have a good time. The only thing wrong with the place is the teenage life guards who actually don't care about your things. The only thing those bozos care about is getting paid and trying to look like hippies under the sun.
10 years ago (08-06-2016)
Can not find an adult in charge anywhere! High school kids are the ONLY available resource. My child lost his goggles ($30.00) at a swim meet today and instead of allowing him to retrieve them, or perhaps even help him, he was told to "Come back later". No accountability if anything goes wrong. No one can answer questions, all I get are blank stares, I dunno, and I'm not sure. Will not be returning for any more swimming meets there. Thank goodness we don't live in Florissant!
11 years ago (06-07-2015)