New to the area. Excited to find a new church home.
During my visit there, 3 times (once by worship leader, twice by senior pastor), we were told how we will prosper...physically and financially...if we give and if we obey.
My understanding of the not a "give to get" gospel. I overlooked the mention once...thinking maybe I misunderstood. But, by the 3rd time, it became clear that this is a central message there.
Prosperity gospels abound, and this seems yet another. I did a little background on it after, and found the Senior Pastor's "mentor" is a classic "prosperity pastor"...thus confirming my concerns.
The people were nice, the building...great, but if you belief in faith alone, through grace alone, and that we can do nothing to earn nor lose God's grace and love, and that it is part of a fallen world that we all suffer, and that we are asked to follow Christ...and thus...suffer more than non-believers, then you will be disappointed here...because you are told you can be financially successful, physically healed, if you just do what they say.
I read that nowhere in the Word (unless you take a phrase out of context.)
It has been said, any addition, subtraction, or distortion of the Gospel, is no longer any Gospel. I pray the leadership there figures that part out. They may respond to this, but it happened, the way I said it did, 3 times in a single service, including the Lead Pastor, twice. Clearly, it is a central belief. So, either embrace it, or change it. But please, don't deny it. Thank you.
8 years ago (28-01-2018)
Great pastor who loves the Word and preaches grace! This church really is family and it’s the best of the best!
8 years ago (01-02-2018)
The Leaders of this church have taught us the truth & I have experienced Love, healing,prosperity, & FREEDOM to be who God made me to be, sometimes I get a bit bummed & I'd go to church starting with the worship team & then hearing the truth & its like he was in my home all week & I realize that God uses Pastor Lawson, his wife Pastor Barbara, & His Son Pastor Aaron to remind me that Jesus knows everything that's going on with me & that he Charis (Loves) me & we all are getting it & sharing with one another! It is a true family of Christ Growing together! I pray for them ALL& thank God for them! WE ARE GODS FAVORITES 🎆🙌👏💞
8 years ago (04-08-2017)
Pastor Lawson brings the word and annointed teaching that puts the focus on Jesus and helps you take the focus off yourself. You will grow here spiritually and grow in your knowledge of who you really are.
8 years ago (22-10-2017)
A great place to hear about the word of God love it
7 years ago (22-03-2018)