This store has just about everything you need for clothes in the outdoors. They are fully stocked with back packs, jackets, shoes, shirts, water canteens and so much more! It is an outlet so you save at least 30% to 40% off your already discounted prices from their items. Staff is friendly and helpful. We needed to trade in a jacket because it was one size too small and without a problem they gladly exchanged it.
8 years ago (14-03-2018)
Bought plenty of stuff here
But when I came out to pay
They didn't have bags
Literally they put all my clothes in a large clear garbage bag
8 years ago (11-03-2018)
Like every store in this premium outlets, this store offers inexpensive selection of stuff.
7 years ago (14-05-2018)
My favorite outdoor brand
7 years ago (16-05-2018)
Quality just couldn't find size in stock..
7 years ago (09-05-2018)