The Cross at Spanish Fork
82 km
Just went on a run to the cross. Kind of technical, but a good challenge overall. Bea...
Box Elder Tabernacle
83 km
Great place to spend some time. Really neat pioneer era building. A lot of neat histo...
I went to the beer garden here, they had one on October 7th, and this one was on may 19th and 20th.
There was great food and music and I loved the beer!!!
Overall it was an awesome experience
And my overall experience here is that there's lots of good spirits hanging in out here!!!!
7 years ago (22-05-2018)
Loved that they hosted an event that was family friendly! I'm already looking forward to the Octoberfest event.
7 years ago (23-05-2018)
Great old mansion that needs a lot of work. The city of Salt Lake City needs to restore this mansion and make it in to a museum.
8 years ago (10-05-2017)
Great place for the Fisher beer garden oktoberfest
8 years ago (08-10-2017)
The old mansion that was built by Albert Fisher the owner of the former Fisher Brewing Company. The house still stands, but the brewery that stood behind it is long gone.
9 years ago (18-09-2016)