If you are not I.B. do not expect them to do much for you or your kid. Instead of helping me they shipped me off to help them look good. They are lyong when they say they have the best grades. They might but they are yaking all the bad kids and forcing them out. That is not how a school should work.
8 years ago (25-02-2018)
Great school still to this day. Excellent sports programs along with great teachers and students. Proud to be a tiger.
8 years ago (23-01-2018)
I don't go here yet but since Sebastian Vasilliev said there is no minecraft club, it sounds horrible.
8 years ago (22-03-2018)
I went to this school in the 90's. I was supposed to graduate in 97'. So, this should be my 20yr. reunion. But I guess I'm not going since I didn't graduate here. Mostly bad memories of favoritism for the cool kids. Condo kids like me weren't acknowledged. I remember kids with better lives being so clicky..I remember the tough kids would ditch and go to Holiday billiards and play pool and smoke. Lots of missed good times for me, I had the wrong friends. My home didn't fit in the same financial group as the kids who were happier, more involved, had more confidence, and we're in all the sports and after school classes. Condo kids weren't a part of that lifestyle. The kids who came from the nicer houses in the neighborhood reaped those rewards. Not the kids with single Moms.
The 90's were much different than today. No cell phones with Internet. Lakewood and Denver were much less populated. It was a simpler life that I miss. All these cable shows weren't around..We watched music videos and listened to discman's! Arnold Schwarzenegger and Keanu Reeves were in.🙄 Everything is so different today. Kinda' miss the old times..😔 Villa Italia!! Jackson's Hole, Bennigans, Street Fighter 2 arcade in all the 7-11's!
So in closing, not the best memories from LHS from me..Feels more like a life I wasn't privileged enough to have..👎👎
8 years ago (25-08-2017)
Well, I liked the food here It was really great, they had a big menu (many things to choose from.) But like another review said the service was really slow it took them ten minutes to get my food out.
8 years ago (08-06-2017)