Theresa... I do not care for this judge. I show up as if I'm going to an interview. Presentable and respectable.. yet she looks at me like I'm this horrible person with no intelligence. The other judge is respectful and understanding, and tries to help you. I have been ticketed for speeding twice since moving here, and self defense (which the person threatening me got off free and I got stuck with menacing). It's repulsive, you can't even protect your family in this city without fearing being charged. I had a clean record before this, volunteer work at churches, good student. Yet I'm this criminal now... it's sickening! Now that's on my record and good luck getting hired after college is done. Smh. Can we please get a clean up with the judges?
9 years ago (04-04-2017)
Just because Im not afraid to speak the truth about the CITY OF MARION, Clerk of Courts office... her we go.. The staff is less than professional when it comes to handling things. You get hung up on when you ask a simple Question; or you get someone who has an attitude problem that really needs to be adjusted. Especially in the Clerk of Courts office. Be sure NOT to set up an escrow account if your land lord wont fix your issues; because they will do everything in their power to hold onto the funds; even after discovering that the people DO NOT OWN THE HOME! I got a j-walking ticket for crossing the street; my life partner didn't. And after going to court before Judge Warner for the "violation" the officer who wrote the ticket could not even explain WHY my life partner didn't get a ticket only ME. So. Justice is blind? I find that very hard to believe. It's time that the people in MARION OHIO get together and vote out these people who make every citizens lives MISERABLE. From TOP to BOTTOM. We pay these people to provide our services; and get treated with absolutely NO respect. From SOME of the police that are on the force, all the way up to the Judges that are in our Courts. Citizens deserve every bit of respect. When the citizens begin to question the Loyalty, integrity, and fairness of the system; its time that we band together and make a change; and vote for new representatives within our own City Government offices.
11 years ago (10-02-2015)
I have tried many times to communicate with the Clerk and she never answers the phone or even returns voicemails. I was pulled over for speeding(5 miles over) and have been trying to pay the ticket for three weeks! I've called and left several voicemails to which none have been returned. I tried to navigath the website. However, that only gives me information I already know. Which, in my opinion is very unprofessional.
City of Marion, if you want to hire someone who won't do their job and pay them 15.50/Hr I would like to apply. Because I would love to do nothing all day and not do my job.
10 years ago (02-10-2015)
Wow, the court line doesn't even ring and i live 2 and a half hours away and I'm in college. How am i supposed do this.
9 years ago (26-10-2016)
Seriously though, how in the heck is anyone supposed to get ahold of someone at their office? Its like pulling teeth!
9 years ago (24-10-2016)