The quality of training at this school is excellent and cutting edge. The Clinical training is incredibly important if you want to be a massage therapist who is effective and sought after by clients and employers alike.
You will graduate this school with a definite edge over many therapists in the field. It would be a waste of money and time to not attend this school!
You will get what many people spend thousands of dollars on continued education for from the clinical training included in the program here. David Phillips is an absolute brilliant teacher and you will be lucky to learn with him. I highly recommend!
8 years ago (17-09-2017)
The massage school that trains the most competent clinical therapists in the field. I have 2 of them working in my office and feel confident that they know their anatomy and that my patients are given therapeutic treatments that accelerate recovery significantly. I have experienced the difference in the quality of training between therapists that graduate from this school versus other massage schools over and over again. Don't waste your time or money going anywhere else.
8 years ago (17-09-2017)
When I was walking in to NCSAB for the first time I expected it to be another step in life, another height to reach. I am a graduate now and I am grateful to the universe for showing me the road to NCSAB. It was a journey that I wish for everybody to take. Those six moths were rich of new understandings with dozens of different inspiring studies that I am sure will keep me up at nights with books. But the most important, NCSAB helped me to become a Massage Therapist which I wanted to become. Of course there is plenty of studying ahead, but I am looking forward to it.
8 years ago (10-04-2017)
When I walked into NCSAB, I wasn't too sure what I was going to expect. I always knew massage was "good" for you, but I didn't understand why or how. I was told that I could treat chronic pain with massage, but other schools just didn't seem to be the right fit. Within the first five minutes of meeting Kimberly, I knew that it was the school for me. NCSAB taught me so much about the human body, how to treat muscles and chronic pain without brutalizing a client, and so much about myself. You will learn a lot of at this school and at times, it seems overwhelming, but the staff is so helpful and you will find yourself on an amazing career path. After graduating, I am now working with the exact population I wanted to: people who want an alternative to pain, that doesn't involve the use of narcotics, athletes, and every day people who want to live a healthier lifestyle.
9 years ago (09-12-2016)
I took Kyle C. Wright's "Mastering the Psoas Treatment Strategies " recently. Finally, a Continuing Ed where I got more value then the money I paid!! I was able to put my new skills to work immediately in my practice and with great results. When my clients heard how excited I was after the class, they got excited. They have really needed this work and now I can give it to them completely pain free! Thank you Kyle, I will always look for your classes first.
10 years ago (16-08-2015)