I have been ordering from stockbagdepot for years with no complaints. When I received some faulty bags I was referred to a Elsa the sales rep that was supposed to resolve the issue. She said she would be send me a new box and was going to start the process for me to return the faulty bags. Long story short I never received my new box of bags and still have the faulty bags. And now they said because of the time it took I can’t return them anymore. I didn’t damage them how is that my fault. Your sales rep Elsa didn’t do her job. She’s just sitting around acting like she’s working and collecting a paycheck and losing you customers. GOOD JOB GUYS . There good customer service is not by design it’s by mistake.
Elsa went above and beyond to work with me and accommodate the specifics of my order to make sure everything was exactly to my specifications. Furthermore, though i am just a “little guy” making a small order, i felt like i was treated with the same attention and quality of service that larger companies receive. I am so appreciative for her superior customer service, which includes but is not limited to patience, attention to detail, answering my many questions about various aspects of the label application process and the bags, and professionalism. I very much look forward to working with her and SBD for many future orders to come!!
I've ordered from Stock Bag for years and have been really happy with them. But recently things have gotten to the point where I will no longer buy from them. I think they've been bought out by someone big who no longer cares about customer service or values long term customer relationships. It's too bad because they used to be so wonderful. All of the great staff who I used to work with are also suddenly gone. Such a bummer.
They advertise one price on the website and when you ask for a quote you get higher price. Waste your time in the process. The sales people are terrible take no initiative and don't care if you buy or not. Mispel my name and go back a forward to prove how little they care. Well, they proved it.
They are a pleasure to deal with. I've been buying from them for over 2 years.
worst most unresponsive company I have ever worked with.
Timely delivered Good service Highly recommended