The best progress I ever had…
Being different and wanting something more out of life is hard when you are doing it by yourself.
I have been to different life coaching, tried therapists and support groups to figure out who I am and how to become the person I wanted to be but nothing worked. People gave me some skills but I felt they didn't really get it. they where just someone who read and studied how to give certain skills. But when Irina Popa - Erwin came into my life it was like God sent. At first I was really skeptical, cause I tried things like this before. But her coaching was exactly what I needed. She is though when she has to be, but she does know what she is talking about. Each session we had has been inspiring and I have developed more in two months with her than 10 years of different so called specialists. She is always there for me, helps me trough and most importantly teaches me how to get through tough situations on my own. Irina has helped me and keeps teaching me how to live my dreams and become more than I though was possible.
I would recommend her life and career coaching to anyone who wants to better them selves and their lives.
11 years ago (02-10-2014)