The venue itself is far from attractive.
It's kinda dark and really shabby, and, well, just FAR from pretty.
Expect to be panhandled outside the venue, too -- this is exceedingly commonplace here.
All that said, though, the produce (and many other) bargains to be had there simply shouldn't be missed.
(If you want ambience, honey, try Uptown Market or Whole Foods. I for one shop for groceries in a grocery store, not ambience.)
Yuppers -- I can't and won't pass up deep discounts.
P.S.: Avoid going here around the first of each month, as the check cashing types and food stamp/WIC recipients make lines long. Also, I'd avoid using the restroom here if your using the restroom involves sitting down on the commode itself in any shape, form, or fashion. There really is no excuse for dirty restroom facilities anywhere, but particularly in a restaurant or grocery store.)
Again, this ain't pretty, kiddo, but the prices are insanely low.
8 years ago (19-12-2017)
It's WoW! It's WoW! It's WoW!
8 years ago (11-03-2018)
This is a friends store they have done great cleaning it up an making things up-to date. Love it
8 years ago (26-01-2018)
Horrible, nasty. Crowded. Never buy frozen foods from here. I bought two tho Friday snacks and the box was wilted from being frozen, then thawed and put back in the freezer. Once I took them out the box to put into the oven it was like one big block of pepper poppers that I had to break apart and ended up with nothing but peppers and crust not even together. Once cooked the dough for the crust was just gooey from being frozen and thawed over and over. T hat tells me they don't take time and care into what they sell and probably why so cheap. Other than that, the cashier was rude didn't greet me, notice I was even t here, and too busy talking to the bagger about social life. He didnt bother to tell me the grand total and just waited for me to slide my card. I had to grab my receipt myself . This place Def needs training, and health department needs to evaluate.
8 years ago (21-11-2017)
Aside from cramped space. And a clean but old building. Still appears a little uncleanly. But with all that said...the food is cheaper than regular grocery stores and also very fresh. I would definitely recommend this store.
8 years ago (03-11-2017)