With Jenny Craig, you don't have to count, track or worry about every meal. Our Facebook page is a place to learn more about the Jenny Craig program.
By engaging with our page (commenting, posting photos and videos, using our hashtags to share content, etc.), you grant Jenny Craig permission to copy, modify, create derivative works, publish, perform, display or otherwise use any comments, ideas, pictures, video or other materials or content you post to our Facebook page in any medium at any time. We may use these posts for any and all marketing and advertising purposes, including print, broadcast and online.
The Jenny Craig Facebook page exists to support fans in their weight loss and wellness goals. Therefore, we encourage a healthy and positive environment and anything that is not considered supportive to this goal will promptly be removed.
We reserve the right to remove content that is deemed inappropriate, offensive, or which simply doesn’t further our mission. This includes profanity, explicit pictures, religious and political statements, posts that are vulgar in nature or intended to cause pain, or sales and promotions of products or services of any kind. If you are promoting yourself as a weight loss expert, or are selling and promoting any fitness or nutrition products, we reserve the right to remove your content. Content that appears to be spam will also be removed.
With your help, we can create a fun, supportive and positive community.