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Vapors Plus


We Help Kick Butts!


Tired of the complaints and dirty looks when you light up a cigarette? We have the solution. All of our products contain only food grade, FDA approved ingredients. We custom mix your choice to your level of nicotine from 0mg to 36mg of nicotine. So if you are trying to quit, we recommend starting with a level of nicotine to satisfy your cravings and then begin to cut down as your body adjusts so that eventually, you will be satisfied with 0mg of nicotine! I can personally attest that several members of my family have been successful with this method, going from up to 3 packs of cigarettes per day to 6mg or 0mg of nicotine using the e-cigarettes. We in no form or fashion wish to promote smoking, quite the opposite, we are offering customers a choice to begin a journey to a healthier lifestyle for themselves and their family. --

Looking for electric cigarettes that satisfy both
your nicotine cravings and desire for an alternative to traditional smoking?

Because they don't burn tobacco, there's no smoke, no carbon monoxide and no odor; what you inhale is vapor [source: FDA].

There are also cartridges available that contain flavored liquid without nicotine, for users who want the sensory experience of smoking a cigarette without the harmful effects.

Cigarette smoke contains more than 7,000 chemicals, and among those, 69 are known carcinogens [source:American Lung Association].

Smokers with a pack-a-day habit spend more than $1,000 per year to get the nicotine fix they crave, and in many instances an e-cigarette habit is cheaper.

It's not only smokers who are impacted by the effects of cigarettes; as many as 2.5 million nonsmokers have died from the lethal effects of secondhand smoke between 1964 and 2014 [source: CDC].
Studies have shown that nicotine emissions from e-cig vapors are 10 times lower than from burning tobacco, and the secondhand aerosol doesn't contain significant amounts of tobacco-specific toxins (carbon monoxide or other toxic volatile organic compounds) [source: Czogala].
Cigarette smokers are known to be at higher risk for developing cancers, the biggest risk being lung cancer; tobacco users are 15 to 30 times more likely to be diagnosed with or die as a result of lung cancer than nonsmokers, and tobacco use is responsible for as many as 90 percent of all lung cancer cases [source:CDC].

Cigarettes are processed in such a way that smoking one inhales toxic fumes and chemicals into the lungs. The lungs are organs which are vital and cannot handle clogging beyond a point. E-cigarettes take in only water vapor which doesn’t leave any residue or do much harm to the body. These little devices come with matching colors and flavors – so mix and match to suit your personality. Electronic cigarettes are most certainly going to garner positive attention for those who use it. Choose from flavors like Mint, Strawberry, Bombshell, Rodeo Drive etc. along with the requisite nicotine level to suit your needs.
The real reason behind the health problems generated from smoking is not nicotine, but tar and other carcinogens. Tar accumulates in the lungs alongside smoke, which eventually develops cancer and other deadly diseases. Neither tar nor smoke is present in the smoke free cigarettes.
They offer no harm to the human health. Moreover, they help people in quitting the habit of unhealthy smoking. The real reason behind the health problems generated from smoking is not nicotine, but tar and other carcinogens. Tar accumulates in the lungs alongside smoke, which eventually develops cancer and other deadly diseases. Neither tar nor smoke is present in the smoke free cigarettes.
Nicotine is put to criticism and all the blame in smoking, because it causes addiction. Rest of the damage is done due to the presence of other harmful chemicals in tobacco cigarettes. The smoke free cigarettes used this formula to produce such cigarettes that shall be free of all the health affecting ingredients. This has become the success USP of these trendy healthy cigarettes. They offer cartridges that contain varying amounts of liquid nicotine. This cartridge is ignited via an atomizer to a certain degree. Upon heating, the liquid starts turning into vapors. It is because of this reason that these cigarettes are also called as vapor cigarettes.
Smoke free cigarettes offer no withdrawal symptoms initially or even at later stages. The health article published in the science daily in the month of April 2012 unveiled various factors about the smoke free cigarettes. According to this article, electronic cigarettes offer various other health benefits than serving a sole purpose of curing smoking cessation and its withdrawal symptoms.

Smokeless Cigarettes – Do they really work?
The total import of many lifestyle choices is only now being realized by many people as they are feeling the effects of those choices. One of those choices is smoking – it was considered fashionable at a particular point in time and a lot of money spent advertising the product as well.
In the last 50 years or so, with all the changes that have taken place in how food is grown and the products people use, many health issues are taking center stage. One of those is smoking – what research has uncovered is that cigarette smoke contains many different chemicals that wreak havoc on the cells in the body. Smoking and related health issues have long been a menace – smoking is a tough habit to give up as it is very addictive. Smokers are at the receiving end of a lot of bad stuff and kicking the habit is a challenge for many. All hope is not lost, however – there is a revolutionary new gadget which looks and feels like a cigarette but isn’t really one.
E-cigarettes are a phenomenal product – even revolutionary. They do contain nicotine but absolutely free of the many harmful chemicals. These are much better than cigarettes and work too – a godsend for those who are trying very hard to break the habit. So, what exactly does the product do? First off, what one should know is that e-cigarettes (aka personal vaporizer) is an inhaler that contains an aerosol liquid which is delivered to the smoker in the form of a mist – mimicking the act of smoking. What makes it even better is that one can choose the cartridge by the amount of nicotine and the different flavors as well. Smoking is one habit which draws a lot of scorn from others – after all, why would anyone choose to smoke knowing the dangers and side effects?
Why choose smoke free cigarettes?
Firstly, these cigarettes don’t emit smoke so they don’t pose a danger to the smoker or people around him/her. That way, people don’t have to worry about being looked down on if they have one in their hand – whether it is in a parking lot or any other place. The good thing about these is that they offer smokers a chance to get the same effects without polluting their lungs as well. Not too long ago, these cigarettes were dismissed as a fad – fast forward to 2013, they are considered the best alternative for those who wish to break the smoking habit. The fact remains that there is no proof that smoke free cigarettes are harmful to health and cause other illnesses. There are no harmful chemicals either – the liquid and resulting vapor contains some flavors and nicotine. It is a much healthier alternative and offers people a real chance to kick the habit if they choose to.
The fact is that the nicotine content in smoke free cigarettes can be regulated – refill cartridges are available in different concentrations. This is not to justify smoking by any means. These cigarettes offer a real chance to people to wean themselves off an addictive product. Tobacco and related products are not endorsed by regulatory bodies like the FDA or CDC and even by the medical establishment. Of course, one has to be aware that just like any other product, there are many different types of smokeless cigarettes. Make sure to get one made by a reputable manufacturer to be safe.
Potential Benefits of Smoke free cigarettes:
The basic premise was to play on the mind of a smoker – this product looks and feels the same as a regular cigarette. People are aware that they are not really smoking – but getting their nicotine fix without all the other toxic substances. The only thing it has in common with a real cigarette is the nicotine. Even smokers are aware of the dangers of passive smoking and don’t want to subject their loved ones to all that smoke. By choosing smoke free cigarettes, smokers don’t have to deal with the social stigma anymore – best of all there is no littering either. Many countries have introduced legislation which makes cigarettes really expensive to buy. Smokeless cigarettes help people save money in the long run as they are cheaper.
These cigarettes offer quite a few advantages and they work really well – they have proved a godsend to those who are trying their best to quit smoking. Of the many products available on the market to help people quit smoking, these cigarettes have proved to be the best alternative. The way this product works is to emit a fine vapor into the lungs – minus the carcinogens. The core of this product consists of two components – a small atomizer which is powered by battery and cartridge which holds the nicotine solution. When the smoker uses this product, the atomizer is activated and the nicotine dose is delivered directly into the blood stream, in a matter of seconds. Smokers can have the complete experience – the glowing tip, the weight of the cigarette and the nicotine rush.
There are refill cartridges which can be purchased for replacement once they are empty – available in different strengths of nicotine. The liquid content of these cartridges consists of glycerin and propylene glycol – infused with different flavors like menthol, coffee, vanilla and even nicotine free versions. These liquids are well known food additives and found in a lot of personal care items as well, so they do not pose any danger. The effects of inhaling nicotine is still up for debate – the one big plus is that people are getting far fewer toxins and carcinogens by switching to the smoke free cigarettes.
Another important point to note is that these cigarettes have proven to be a safe and effective method of quitting smoking altogether. More studies have to be done to conclusively prove the effectiveness of e-cigarettes. According to some other studies, the very fact that these are being marketed as a safe alternative, there is a real possibility that they can lead to issues like nicotine addiction and poisoning. This doesn’t take away from the effectiveness of smokeless cigarettes – many people have benefitted from using them. If one really has any doubts about the dangers of smoking, they should check out different reports that have been published. They can even talk to people who have serious health issues from not being able to quit.

By Charles Recknagel
February 16, 2013
Electronic cigarettes are still so new on most markets, many languages haven't yet decided what to call the users.
Should they be called "vapers," as some American smokers dub their colleagues who smoke smokeless cigarettes?
The word makes sense. If smokers are named after smoke, then "vapers" should be named after the nicotine vapor that electronic cigarettes emit instead.
Whatever one calls smokeless smokers, their number is growing rapidly.
A recent study by the British health campaigning charity Action on Smoking and Health (ASH) found that the number of people in that country who reported trying electronic cigarettes more than doubled, from 9 percent in 2010 to 22 percent in 2012.
Almost all the new users were people who already had smoked cigarettes and 40 percent of them hoped switching would free them from the usual hazards of smoking.
Those hazards include an increased risk of dying from cancer, mostly due to inhaling the tar and other toxins released by tobacco when it is burned.
How Much Safer?
But are electronic cigarettes, or e-cigarettes, really safer than smoking?
Amanda Sandford, a research manager for ASH in London, says the only tobacco product the new devices contain is nicotine.
"Nicotine, compared to tobacco smoke, is relatively benign. It is the addictive component of tobacco, of course, and that is what keeps people coming back to smoking, but the harm [in smoking] comes largely from the inhaling of tobacco smoke," Sandford says.
"Nicotine itself, once it is isolated and extracted from tobacco and just used in its pure state, is relatively harmless."
E-cigarettes, which are inhalers, use a small battery to heat a dose of liquid nicotine into mist. The mist also contains water, flavoring, and propylene glycol, a solvent for flavorings that are not very soluble on their own.
Sandford says it is still too early to know for certain the health effects of e-cigarettes because the products only arrived in Britain in quantity two to three years ago. Extensive medical testing still has to be done, leaving the door open to questions.
One question is whether people will smoke more e-cigarettes than they would conventional cigarettes because they believe they are safer, and what health risks the increased nicotine addiction might bring.
A Regulatory Issue
But a more pressing question is how to assure that e-cigarettes -- mostly imported from China and other Asian countries -- contain what they say they do.
Individual e-cigarettes have been found to contain widely varying levels of nicotine, despite using labels promising a "light" or "strong" dosage. There also can be little quality control regarding what additives are used for flavoring.
In many countries, government regulatory boards are now trying to decide how to classify e-cigarettes and assure quality standards. And as they do, a battle is developing between the new e-cigarette business and the much older conventional cigarette industry.
That battle is being fought not just over consumer loyalty. It also is being fought in courts as the new e-cigarette companies seek to get their device classified as a "tobacco product."
Ray Story, head of the U.S.-based Tobacco Vapor Electronic Cigarette Association, says that across Europe regulatory agencies tend to label e-cigarettes as a medical device or drug. That puts them under much tighter sales constraints than conventional cigarettes and helps protect established cigarette distributors from competition.
'So Sue Us!'
Story says the new business is fighting back by defying the regulatory bodies. The goal is to end up in court, where his association legally challenges how the product is classified.
"The [regulatory boards] continue to stand on the position that an e-cigarette is a drug but give us zero clarity, no factual basis, zero. So, what we then do is try to force the issue by selling the product anyway in a particular [country], which will then trigger some type of ban, or legal recourse, or criminal recourse that these regulatory agencies think they have," Story says.
"And then we will end up in court to answer to the citations they have given us for selling a product without market authorization and we then question why this particular product would fall under that category."
It is an uphill battle, and for now e-cigarettes remain substantially less common on shop shelves than conventional cigarettes.
But Story says there is growing interest among major tobacco companies in the United States in entering the e-cigarette business, should many smokers switch to the new devices.
And if the tobacco giants do so, he predicts, the world of smoking could become considerably less smoky in the future.

by: Mike Morgan from: USA
February 16, 2013 19:23
E-cigarettes are simply a consumer and market response to the big government anti-smoking movement and can help avoid tobacco and reduce nicotine, so see E Cig Werks http://ecigwerks.blogspot.com/ for more.
In Response
by: paul from: uk
March 07, 2013 09:54
So how do we know we only have nicotine in them, are any regulated, must admit trying them and 3 days without a ciggy so far just hope they are safe!
by: Bill from: USA
February 16, 2013 20:22
I think e cigarettes are very safe if people only use them to quit smoking for good. I have heard a lot of success stories with e cigs. http://chooseecigarettes.com/
by: Sammy Moshe from: Kansas City
February 17, 2013 00:05
Thank you for posting this well written, and fair article on e-cigarettes. The majority of articles I find in my feed are fairly biased and not based in fact. This one is neutral, and provides a great example of what journalism on the subject should look like. Great job!
by: ecigator from: China
February 18, 2013 14:22
Even though the FDA has not approved E cigarettes, the e cigs still are a lot safer than the 400 to 500 toxins in tobacco cigs. If someone uses the e cigs to quit the tobacco, more power to them.
by: Tina from: Arkansas
February 28, 2013 16:26
I've done some internet research on the use of E cigs and have learned that at this point, there is little scientific based research available to say whether they are good or bad for you. What I can say, with certainty, is that they are helpful in tobacco smoking cessation. I have been using an e cig for about a month now and I have not smoked a tobacco cigarette in that time. I have preivously quit smoking cold turkey but it never lasts and the initial cessation was brutal. I have high hopes that the e cig avenue (lessening the amount of nicotine as time goes by) will be a more comfortable and permanent way for me to stop smoking. This is my hope :)
In Response
by: Ivan from: Florida
March 06, 2013 13:59
Me too Tina. I was a tobacco smoker for 35 years and failed at every attempt to quit. I've now been 'vaping' for two years with absolutely zero desire to light up. I've successfully reduced the nicotine content to 1/4 of where I began. I just love vaping now.

So.. let's hope that research proves the relative harmlessness of e-cigarettes - because, if it does - then i can retrospectively say "i did it!"
by: Laura from: Texas
March 07, 2013 17:28
I tried some OTC ecigs in November 2012. They were okay but couldn't be refilled and the price of refill cartridges was ridiculous. It was actually cheaper to smoke! I recently got a refillable ecig online and bought several "flavored" nicotine e-liquids. I gotta say, I like it (Hazelnut Caramel Macchiato being my fav at the moment). I can also say that I smoke/vape much less with the e-cig. Before, when I would take a smoke break at work you pretty much have to smoke the whole thing (sometimes two). Now, I can just pop outside have 2-3 puffs, and I'm good until the afternoon break. Overall, I think that's definitely healthier than what I was doing with traditional cigarettes.
by: AJ from: Seatte, USA
March 10, 2013 20:38
While inhaling any chemical may not be 100% safe over a lifetime, the ingredients in electronic cigarette liquid are considerably safer than traditional smoking. Propylene glycol is considered safe by the FDA and is used in many foods you already eat. Some have demonized it by associating it with antifreeze, and their true motives could always be questioned as some states get up to a $4.00 excise tax per pack. I could buy an entire carton for that tax alone when I was in the Middle East.
It doesn't work for everyone though. For many smokers the addiction is not only physical for the nicotine, but also includes a psychological need for the actual act of going outside and smoking a cigarette versus using an electronic one without interrupting what they were doing. As is the case with any alternative to smoking, you have to actually want to quit.
by: Niamh from: Ireland
March 11, 2013 09:56
I find the e cig fantastic after only one week I feel healthier and happier to be off the conventional cig. Without the ecig I could not have given up I have never lasted more then a day in 35 years. The flavor I use is called frost with a peppermint tinge. I have a vapor with my coffee and a vapor when I am on the phone etc. I love it and surely it has to be relatively harmless in comparison to the normal tobacco cigarette. I hope so, as I would happily vapor for years. a wonderful solution.


Roger and Angie Allen - Owners

Address: 470 Neal Street, Cookeville 38501
Phone: (931) 526-1957
Email: moc.reitnorf@sulpsropav
Parking: Lot
State: TN
City: Cookeville
Street Number: 470 Neal Street
Zip Code: 38501
categories: e-cigarette store

Opening Hours

Monday: 10:00 - 18:00
Tuesday: 10:00 - 18:00
Wednesday: 10:00 - 18:00
Thursday: 10:00 - 18:00
Friday: 10:00 - 18:00
Saturday: 11:00 - 18:00

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