So just got off the phone with the bapd. Apparently even if I video tape and record the license plate of someone driving recklessly through my neighborhood 7days a week they can't do anything unless they catch tghem in the act. But now that the guy is long gone they would be happy to send someone through the neighborhood. What a joke.
8 years ago (21-03-2018)
Just spoke to 2 officers who acted like my case isn't important at all. I'm furious. They're self righteous and undeserving of wearing a uniform. I pay my dues and I'd expect the same in return. They made me feel helpless. They teamed up with target where I work and made me look like an idiot. Their exact words were "Why are we here?" So I told them both, then the said, " oh, we don't do that. We can't help you. "
8 years ago (29-10-2017)
When 1 person comes over to our place and was suspected of smelling like marihuana the police were immeadiately out here. That is great. As they should be. As there was a report. However, i spend all of a good 8 months over at Quail Hollow when we moved here and witnessed so much drug dealing and to the students across the street to distribute the all kinds of drugs they were selling and i got nowhere. I was begging and taking videos and talking to Margaret or her name might have been Barbara, at the victims center and still i had to leave my apt for my own safety after getting threatened. Still no police action. We even waited at the dept for 2 hrs. Still noone talking to us. 8 months of us calling and turning over all the paraphernalia that fell on my porch daily. And tried to offer video of the dealings to the students with full tag numbers and everything and watching drugs go over to BA high school and i even contacted the school. No action. I just wanted to say we have a huge problem at the school with drugs. Why did none of that ever get addressed? Why? And as i have been told now, Quail Hollow is a known drug dealing party place i found out and across the street from a high school, the people get away with dealing their drugs to the students and authorities obviously know about but do nothing. Very sad.
8 years ago (13-12-2017)
I was harassed over a crime I didnt commit(a robbery at a hotel), unlawfully arrested for my own ADHD medication (they booked me for 10mg adderall i had in a S-M-T-W-T-F-S vitamin container with no bottle nearby) and thrown in a cell with rotten food on the walls and a broken CFL light bulb in the back. Do they know those bulbs contain mercury? Im a straight A student at tcc struggling with panic attacks and depression, and these guys perfer to take my FASFA money for school with $1800 in court fees, and all this because the police got angry i wasnt confessing to a crime i didnt commit. My mom showed my medication bottle down at the ba police station and they refused to let me go because i was arrested for drug charges and had to be transferred to Tulsa PD. Well after lawyer fees, bondsman fee and all the other fees the courts threw at me, I still gotta deal with that police officer (who arrested me) tailing my vehicle home every time I visit walmart supercenter at night.
8 years ago (14-11-2017)
They tell people after catching them breaking Windows at my house it's ok to do it. They don't care what they do to my house.
8 years ago (16-12-2017)