related searches: Industrial bank district of columbia routing number, Industrial bank district of columbia phone number, Industrial bank district of columbia address, Industrial bank district of columbia jobs, Industrial bank district of columbia contact number, Industrial Bank locations, Industrial Bank customer service, Industrial Bank online account opening
Industrial Bank is a great financial institution but there is still room to improve.
Afro Americans living in the Washington DC Metropolitan area (Washington DC, Maryland, & Virginia suburbia) should support Industrial Bank by starting a basic checking account.
We must assist our Afro American community institutions so they can better assist our people.
9 years ago (24-03-2017)
Its a bank. Change for 100 shouldn't be matter of joining the bank. You're part of the community and any thoughts i couod have had about giving them any business has gone out the window. I'll make sure no one I know banks with them
10 years ago (02-04-2016)
I love my banking experience! So happy I left BOA.
9 years ago (25-07-2016)
This is a historically Afro - American banking institution...Its really a shame that it is being operated by a bunch of people who really don't care about the customer....I should be able to transact business in ALL of the branches not just ONE !!! This is due to inept and negligent management, and should be addressed immediately (Pennsylvania Ave Branch)!!
10 years ago (14-05-2016)