Called to ask about the legality of using an air gun to kill rats. The officer was professional and knowledgeable. He advised me that the air gun is legal but that I want to inform my neighbors so as not to frighten them. Great advice
7 years ago (19-05-2018)
My family and I recently attended the Big 12 Tourney and had a wonderful time at the games and across the street at the square. The reason we will never attend another event is not because of sprint but because of the incident that occurred later. After the games we spent some time with some friends having a couple of beers and talking, when it became time to head home we decided to call our son to come and pick us up. He drove up and picked us up and we hadn't gone 100 yards and we were in a check point. We weren't to concerned because our son was driving and he hadn't been drinking. Apparently that doesn't matter in KC Mo, he was asked to get out of the car and take several sobriety test which he passed. At that point he was told he was under arrest and handcuffed for DUI. We were told nothing except to stand in a 4' x 4' area. He told the police numerous times he hadn't been drinking but to no avail. Finely he said can I take a breath test, which he did and was proven to be sober. No - "I'm sorry" for trying to Intimidate him just "cut him loose". I will not spend money any place that allows people doing nothing wrong to be treated in that matter. I'm sorry and I know the $1200 that my family spent doesn't mean a whole lot, but it's the point that's important. You would think all the killings that occur in KC MO. every week they would have more important things to do.
13 years ago (18-03-2013)
Pulled over by Officer Campbell for going 5 MPH over the speed limit. What a joke!!! How is pulling me over for that serving and protecting the public?
9 years ago (21-07-2016)
Showed up in a timely fashion - ~20 minutes for a minor property crime (broken garage window), and ~2 minutes or less after a gunshot incident. Didn't talk to them during the gunshot occurrence because it was middle of the night, but the guys who came by for the broken window (Nokes and Cisneros) were very friendly and professional.
10 years ago (21-10-2015)
What are they here for again????
10 years ago (17-01-2016)