be careful please,Generally Very polite . They are understaffed and normally very busy people. Doing best as can with resources , i feel.
Unfortunately . Little help.
8 years ago (18-06-2017)
Pretty sad when you call the cops to help defend you and your children from an out of control abusive teenage boy and they say they wont do anything to help. Way to teach children you are here to protect and serve.
9 years ago (08-05-2017)
I have had many good exchanges with the KC police department, however, today was not one of those days. I visited the Shoal Creek Police Station to report that my car was illegally towed (According to Section 304.157.1 of the Missouri Revised Statutes, Chapter 304, Traffic Regulations). The police officer at the window, Officer Curtin, was cold, indifferent, and unhelpful. His attitude seemed to be, "You are wasting my time. I don't care about your situation. I'll cut you off while you are asking questions." After he cut me off twice, I finally asked him directly to look up if my car had been noted by the police as abandoned and subsequently towed. Office Curtin complied with my request. He reported to me that the car had not been reported as abandoned or towed.
I explained to Officer Curtin that the above mentioned Missouri Law states that law enforcement must be notified if there is not "displayed, in plain view at all entrances to the property, a sign not less than seventeen by twenty-two inches in size, with lettering not less than one inch in height, prohibiting public parking and indicating that unauthorized abandoned property or property parked in a restricted or assigned area will be removed at the owner's expense."
Then officer Curtain said in so many words that he doesn't care about the Missouri Law, and then explained, "It's a civil dispute between you and the property manager who towed your car." And then I handed him a copy of the Missouri Law, which he immediately took to his supervisor, Sergeant Rawley, who stated they would do nothing on the matter and that it is a civil dispute.
The overall impression I received from the police department today was that they do not care for the interests of Gladstone residents nor the published Missouri Law. My issue was not resolved today. I feel disappointed in Officer Curtin's attitude towards me. His blatant disregard for Missouri law is shocking to me. Is this what I can expect from the Gladstone Police?
9 years ago (30-07-2016)
Great people
9 years ago (30-12-2016)