Love the care and compassion. HATE the tactics. Had a $4,000 that we were paying monthly on with interest. However, despite interest being paid AND notes, had difficult deadline that they placed upon us. Won't be inclined to use them again. Super expensive.
8 years ago (24-01-2018)
We brought our Labrador in after hours--and on a weekend--and we were very happy with how quick and friendly the staff was. Our vet who did the examination was helpful and spent time with us (my daughter was with us and was upset) and it all ended well. Had no idea LSU had a roundcthe clock clinic like this.
8 years ago (12-09-2017)
This is very specific to -Internal Medicine-, the other departments have been excellent. Unfortunately they have me over a barrel with my dog. They have poor bedside manner, clearly do not communicate with each other, and basic things a pet owner needs to know about their animal seem to get lost in the mix. They've been really unhelpful doing even basic things and will often cite they're busy. I am too, and I shouldn't need to call 4 or 5 times to get some paperwork filled out so I can get the medication I need for my dog. I'd love to contact whomever is in charge of internal medicine, but I have no idea how to go about that. I can't be the only person with this problem.
9 years ago (23-02-2017)
Left my dog at the LSU for surgery for an ulcer on his eye...The staff has been very helpful and my pup is doing well....The Doctors have been very helpful!!!
I'm very pleased...
8 years ago (08-06-2017)
I was devastated one of my beloved dogs became ill out of no where after driving in to town on a vacation. I quickly resorted to LSU thinking if anyone would know what was wrong they would.. Many test were run. Even repeated over an over that were just done. They didn't care it wasn't their money and knowing how desperate people are we do anything to save our angels. The tab was running up higher and higher and they had no clue what so ever was wrong.. I walked out of there with my baby who died in 3 days, and a $5,000 with absolutely no answer at all.. I am sickened by what took place and still believe to this day she could have been saved.. It is not the LSU I remembered from years ago.. It's all about money now and less about caring.. I didn't like the lackadaisical attitude at all.. These animals are more like children to most of us and we expect your all and if you can't give us that you shouldn't quit now. Makes me sick.
9 years ago (18-06-2016)