I was recently at this pet store. I am new to the area so I had no idea what I was walking into. I am a proud owner of many rescue animals of all shapes and sizes. So I am alway on the lookout for cages, toys, treats and other things for my pets. I went here because it wasn’t a big box store only to find it was worse. The puppies were sickly the birds were missing some in not all their feathers. There were to many guinea pigs in a single cage that had a wire bottom which is bad for their feet and the feces was so built up that it was above the wire. One guinea pig had sores all over it’s body likely do to being bitten by the other guinea pigs. It brought me to tears. I tried to talk to the person working there and she gave me a major attitude and a speech about how they take excellent care of their animals. I wanted to buy them all but that wouldn’t have changed anything. If I had purchased them they would just be replaced and the new batch treated just as bad. I contacted the county and a few rescue groups. Please do not purchase animals from here even if you are just trying to save them. Places like this are animal mills. For every 1 you save 4 will take its place. Contact the county or rescue groups in the area. I was told the county had been to this pet store many time and seized animals mostly dogs. I don’t know how they are still open. If you buy a pet here and it is sick or dies inform the county. It’s the only way we will get this store to treat its animals better. BTW a rescue group did go and get the injured guinea pigs.
7 years ago (03-06-2018)
I am not a big supporter of Pet Shops to begin with- since there are so many animals in need of adoption, but this place is one of the worst. If you are an animal lover, then just walking into this place should make you sad. Small cages, dirty animals, ect. Not to mention the many many people who have come forward saying dogs they have purchased from this place have contracted a plethora of diseases. It seems like the people who are in charge only care about the money they will make from people dumb enough to give it to them. Please educate yourself before ever buying an animal from anywhere (if you must). Another issue I have seen is animals bought from here not looking like the breeds they are supposed to be. I used to be a groomer in the area and I know what is standard for certain breeds. There was a time or two when someone would bring in a dog that was supposed to be a specific breed that they paid several hundred dollars for, that just did not fit the mold. Just recently, I found out that my mother purchased some angel fish from them a while back. (Three of them). The final fish just died last month, which happens. However, my mother had no previous knowledge of the species and didn’t know they were aggressive. One fish killed the other two over a period of time. Do you think the people at Middle Earth informed her of this? Of course not. So please adopt, don’t shop- but if you must have a specific breed of anything- find someone more knowledgeable who will not rip you off and only care about the money.
8 years ago (12-04-2018)
They have some of the most amazing animals here. I picked up my first cockatiel here at the beginning of college (over 8 years ago) and she's still just as lovable as ever.
Not only are the staff wonderfully helpful but when you come in, you can't help but want to leave with one of those lovely animals. 😊
8 years ago (25-03-2018)
I always questioned the poor reviews and bad word of mouth about this place, but today is the day I stop. My girlfriend and I went in today to visit with the animals and we came across a leopard gecko here. We are leopard gecko owners ourselves and were horrified by the conditions this poor creature was in. These animals need at least 2 hides. One with a heating pad and one moist one to facilitate shedding. This gecko had nothing but an aquarium stump.
It had stuck shed all over its body, it was emaciated, its tail was pencil thin, its cage was full of dead insects, it had no heating pad, no calcium, it is on ROCKS for substrate, and it didn't even have water. All of these are horrible for the animal and its a wonder its still alive.
I don't like leaving reviews like this, but please don't support these people. The rumors are true. Beyond a shadow of a doubt.
8 years ago (05-02-2018)
I have always heard that Middle Earth was terrible, but I had never experienced it until today when I went to visit with the animals. It was awful. There was a rabbit that had a bird cage as it’s home. It just lied there looking miserable, and barely moving. There were about four or five very large guinea pigs crammed into one 10-15 gallon tank, which, clearly, is not how they should have been housed. There were around 10 bunnies in one small tank, as well, and several types of hamsters in one cage, which is not good because different breeds of hamster typically do not get along. Lastly, I saw a puppy there, who the employee claimed to be a maltipoo, that was in just awful condition. He had very long, un-brushed, matted fur with feces and dirt clumped in it, nasty shredded paper bedding, and his bowls for food and water were empty. I could tell the little baby just wanted to leave that horrible place. I sincerely hope this place gets shut down soon.
8 years ago (08-03-2018)