When I moved into one of these apartments everything was fantastic. Matter of fact for nearly 20 years, it was a great place to live, but then came the current people that run the place. In the last 5 years, the properties have not been maintained well. At all.
This company discriminates in favor of black and Hispanic people. We had at least 6 known pedophiles in our building, and they just let it slide. Drug dealers? Yup. Thieves? Their Maintenance people are prone to stealing anything of value. But don't you dare miss a payment of rent.
Take care of your problems? Good luck with that. We had vandals who threw stuff at our door. I asked maintenance to clean it up and they said it wasn't their job. We had egg on our door for over 2 1/2 years. Get your rent reduced? Ha ha. You'll be on a list for years and then even afterwards, they will lie about the date which it takes effect, then blame you. We were vandalized so often that I threatened to install security cameras, and they said I could but that couldn't come out of the rent. Excuse me? That is illegal under California law. Of course you don't have much choice because you are on their program.
Report the vandals? You can try but all they will tell you is you need to know what apartment they live in, because it isn't creepy at all to grab a kid who is about 14 and harass him to give up his apartment number. Call the police? Okay, good idea, until the vandals hop the South wall which is only 4 feet high and hide from the cops.
I lived there 21 years and only one time was there a man in the front office. They have their preferences in hiring, I imagine. I never tried applying with them because I would see women come and go but no men at all in their office.
Until about 2012, and the current batch of people that are there, being in a CORE apartment was a nice experience, but it went downhill quickly, and the people there are inept, money-hungry vultures who have no qualms about throwing an 80 year old woman and a permanently disabled man out on the street. That's how much the "Community Renaissance" cares.
The management at CORE are inept and stupid as hell and if you're a guy, you need to have a sex change in order to get a job over there. It's no surprise that they have a new job available every couple of weeks, because they can't even keep people there because of the way they treat people who are down on their luck.
8 years ago (06-03-2018)
Great people who participate in the community and provide a valuable service.
8 years ago (19-11-2017)
The Corona de Oro assistant manager is rude when you have questions. I asked for a copy of the rental agreement and she said they are not allowed to give copies of the rental agreement because they do not keep copies onsite. When asked where can I get a copy, she says to call her manager. Any time I have a question regarding what I am signing or take my time to read the document, she tells me, in a direct tone to just sign it. I asked for a copy of what I am signing and she said no she can not make copies. When I bring in papers for my re-certification the assistant manager and manger have made copies and gave me back my originals. I paid my rent a month in advance and she asked in a rude tone while giving me back the money order and said, "why do you do that?" My vehicle was vandalized and I notified the office staff, the assistant manager said, "Why are you telling me? Did you call the police and report it? We only care if you file a police a report." The living area is clean and the maintenance workers are excellent. This is a great community until re-certification. Then you have to turn in your document 6 months before your annual due date. Deal with a assistant manager who speaks to you as if it is not her job to answer questions or have customer service skills.
10 years ago (14-06-2016)
The people they hire to run their apartments are inexperienced and are a liability to their company.
9 years ago (17-05-2017)
nightmare company to apply for. They kept calling my current employer to "verify employment" even after I declined a job offer. Luckily I was open with my current employer that I was looking into that company. It was very creepy how they kept calling where I worked to ask for me. Im sooooo glad I made the right decision not to leave my company to work at National Core Renaisssance.
13 years ago (09-03-2013)