The fields they host their games on in the LOWER EAST SIDE are straight up dangerous and a severe injury waiting to happen. They love to cram their soccer teams with more players than you really need which means more money for them of course but less play time for you. They're absolutely greedy.
7 years ago (20-05-2018)
Two stars only because the staff is very friendly. If you want just pay to stand around and not do much this is the league for you. If you want to actually get some play time STAY AWAY. This league is so terrible a while back they were offering a free season in exchange for a positive review on Yelp lol
7 years ago (20-05-2018)
I will put one star for Voleboll league in st. Patrick’s the guy how run that league is the worst person I ever met
Hi don’t understand the people who plays over there play just for fun and to make a friends
I will give 5 ⭐️ for referee they are being so friendly and professional
And I will give 5 ⭐️ For the other league on baruch
7 years ago (01-06-2018)
NYC Social has helped me meet so many new friends in the city and they have the most friendly staff around! Love playing in these leagues.
8 years ago (26-03-2018)
Great time, met a ton of people, have played Kickball, Bocce, Skeeball and had fun every time. Still talk to people that I played with on my first team 3 years ago. Best way to meet people in the city.
8 years ago (26-03-2018)