My experience with Amber was a huge success! I was able to easily identify the areas I wanted to work on. I was able to incorporate strategies to feel empowered to move forward on what used to be "hopeless" relationships in my life.
Amber helped me develop a new mental framework for relationships where I have permission to enjoy people without feeling guilty about expressing what I need. I feel so much more free! Thanks, Amber. I'm so grateful for your expertise and sensitivity. Thank you also for not letting me off the hook until I reached my goals! You are the best personal coach out there!
14 years ago (20-06-2012)
I have been working with amber for several years now and as a hands on single father, running a business I can honestly say that she has added so much to my life. We have worked on all aspects, from being in business with family members to building healthy relationships with my children and my wife to be. My communication skill have improved tremendously as well as my self worth. She gives me perspective on what I am doing and has helped me understand that I am on a journey to be my true self. I am grateful for her and I know that I would not be where I am today without her help and guidance and of course my willingness to try hard.
14 years ago (07-09-2012)
Over the past year I have worked with Amber, and with her coaching I have achieved challenging career objectives, improved personal and professional relationships, and found greater balance in my life. She helped me through several career and life transitions and with her guidance I have gained greater insight into my life. Her objective and reflective approach enabled me to change negative habits and patterns that were limiting me from previous successes and create appropriate professional and personal goals. Her techniques allow your strengths to be realized, your journey to be appreciated, and a greater sense of purpose to be obtained. I am a more confident and fulfilled individual today as a result of Amber's coaching!
14 years ago (29-06-2012)
Juggling 3 kids, two cross-continental moves in two years AND a writing career became a lot more manageable once I started working with Amber. Although I certainly don't always get it right, I can now identify much more quickly what's most important even if that task wasn't on my original to do list. Working with Amber, I also have learned to set boundaries which are mine alone to erect or relax: a very important skill given that the hardest task for me as a mom/writer is taking care of the kids but making sure I am also taking care of me so I can do my best by them. I also now give myself credit for my successes big and small whereas before Amber I tended to see all the things I hadn't achieved. Acknowledging those successes puts everything in a better light.
14 years ago (31-05-2012)
I've been working with Amber for nine months now. With Amber's help, I have been able to advocate for my self-worth, gain a work-life balance, and figure out a self-fulfilling career that matches my core values. More importantly, I gained self-confidence. Everyday I wake up grateful in every aspect of my life. I have been able to use my intuition, perspective and attitude to navigate through life's different situations. With Amber's guidance, I have learned that happiness is a choice that takes a lot of work.
11 years ago (29-09-2014)