My experiences at Hyde Park have been splendid. It's my second year attending this middle school and won't be my last. I am in the academy and it it sometimes stressful but worth it. Your child will have to be willing to work and study hard. The math and science programs are especially wonderful (considering the fact that it is a math and science academy) and the performance arts programs are amazing. The school isn't the cleanest there is but all of the education you get out of it weighs that out. If you are looking for a good middle school for your child, choose this one. You won't regret it!
8 years ago (22-12-2017)
I am a 6th grader here, and this school is one of the best schools out there. The curriculum is great, and there are a lot of friendly teachers there, but the school bulding is being given a 4/5. It is still really good!
7 years ago (02-05-2018)
I might go to this school and they all the ratings are about this school being all nice and decent but a bit too nice for me but you never know everyone likes it so I might like it too.....I'mma miss Garside^_^💗😥
7 years ago (26-05-2018)
I currently attend this school as a 6th grader, and I enjoy it. The education is great here! However, the school is very run down, due to it have lasting a long time, and I believe renovations would make it better. This includes the messed-up air conditioning, the bug problem... etc. My overall score is a 4/5, this is school has great education!
8 years ago (30-01-2018)
i know half the people in the magnet program, and they say its amazing, but when you get not into the magnet, thats the real school, the ghetto, where i go to mannion, and everyone there are white and conservatives. Basically, the magnet program is one part of the school, its a good magnet school, just dig deeper and youll find trouble in what youve been fooled into thinking is paradise.
7 years ago (10-05-2018)