We were contracted by KPRS to do the windows on Meta Housings civic center 14 job in Oakland, Ca. This job is a low income housing project and meta housing is getting a lot of tax credits for doing the job. We completed our work on the project on November 21, 2017. We submitted billing on December 18, 2017 for payment due and paid out in February 2018. We didn't hear a word from KPRS from November-February. Flash forward to February when we contact KPRS about payment and along the list of other excuses KPRS gave us they said they haven't paid us because Meta Housing hasn't paid them (which obviously isn't in our contract, that our payment is contingent upon meta housing paying) KPRS employee Eric Donnelly went a step further and informed us Meta Housing has "borrowed" $500k from them to float this project, nice! The owner Michelle Coulter has been cc to countless emails and has never responded. Their are handfuls of liens and lawsuits on this project, to say it's a mess is an under statement. Meta Housing is a very dirty playing company and unless you like chasing your money and paying for materials, labor, liens, court filings, attorneys just to get paid, I'd avoid at all cost!
8 years ago (07-04-2018)
The staff there is very friendly
8 years ago (25-10-2017)