Absolutely atrocious bus company. They have stopped the ball soooo many times I can't even tell you. Dangerous drivers and when I call to report it the director says that since there's no cameras on the outside of the bus there's no proof.... Even though I've repeatedly seen the bus run the stop sign with oncoming traffic (which didn't have a stop sign) coming into the intersection. I have witnessed the bus cause near accidents multiple times by my house. We have also had multiple instances where the bus didn't show up and we were given incorrect information, leaving my 9 year old son and I standing in sub freezing weather for 30-40 minutes at a time waiting for a bus that we were told was coming but didn't. There reeeally needs to be an overhaul of this company. Poor management and dangerous behavior to say the least!
8 years ago (21-02-2018)
I'm coming home from work, driving North on Girard Ave N towards 35th when this bus, #499, one of those little short ones, speeds up and manuevers her bus into the middlevof the street to prevent me from continuing. Now, she has the entire street blocked unless I back up. I asked her to please back the bus up a few feet so I can move around her and she says "NO! I'm not backing up." I was forced to drive up on thw curb on the opposite side of the street because she refused to be civil and yield. This isn't the first time I've had problems with these drivers taking the right of way or not pulling to the side using normal road courtesy. Train them better, MPS.
8 years ago (07-12-2017)
The driver for bus 30 route 6 for Harvest Prep needs to be disciplined or find another position besides bus a driver. He passes the house everyday to drop my grandkids off, he drives with ear buds and he doesn't have the tolerance to work with kids. He dropped my granddaughter a block from her assigned stop and passes the stop everyday when dropping them off in the afternoon.
9 years ago (03-02-2017)
My Son goes to Webster Elementary School, and rides bus 1 to school only in the afternoon. This horrible bus driver threatened my son he would call the police on him after he fought with another student, may I remind you this is an 8 year old child, who the hell does that? I reported to the "manager" he's name is Roger and he told me he will talk to the driver obviously he didn't. Just today he said the same thing to my son, and the Neibor kids who ride the same bus witnessed it. I just called them back and this manager isn't there today. I will be involving our family lawyer in to this. No way in hell will my son be threaten like this.
9 years ago (06-12-2016)
The drivers, Trish and Keith are rude and disrespectful.
8 years ago (30-01-2018)