There are certain people in my life that I consider "magical people".. these people are simply those who see the world differently and help others do the same. Stephanie is one of those people. She has helped my break out of limited ideas, see things from new perspectives and get back in touch with my dreams. I can talk to her about anything going on in my life that I feel I need to process through with someone, and I can do so with no worry of judgment. Stephanie helps support my individuality and guide me on getting what I want for myself. I always feel renewed after a coaching session with her. AND as a bonus she has friendly rates for people who think they "can't afford" a life coach!
13 years ago (09-06-2013)
I made a decision to try out life coaching when I felt I had hit a mental wall I simply couldn’t see past. I was trying to logically make my career and lifestyle work when my body kept breaking down in the process. I kept feeling like Cinderella’s less fortunate step sisters. Here I was trying on all these shoes that represented lifestyles that just wouldn’t fit. This established routine sat right in the pit of my stomach and left me in fetal position for hours. The irony was that I had indeed found my Prince, it was the rest I was still searching for. Actively searching while feeling trapped in a necessary routine is indeed a unique form of paralysis- I assure you. Eventually, I just had to listen to what my body was telling me: “this isn’t working!” I had been to doctors, naturopaths, and therapists. I was tired of analysis, I just wanted to make a move in a forward direction and I hadn’t the slightest clue how.
This is when I started my search for a coach and I stumbled upon Stephanie. What a find! Stephanie is special for so many reasons: she’s nurturing, sympathetic, and authentic. Still, she’s realistic and she doesn’t coddle. She’ll hear out your obstacles, but she won’t entertain them and she certainly won’t let them entertain you. Her tools are about you, not her. She’s going to insist that you recognize your achievements especially when you habitually ignore and walk right over them. It’s an understanding of when and how these achievements take place that, she will show you, is the very key to further success. Her focus is on the positive; this along with her insight will inevitably open your eyes to your own potential. It’s not always flowers and butterflies along the way since we all have internal obstacles and challenges, but man is the progress worth it!
Since my time with Stephanie, I have sent a few of my nearest and dearest friends to her with the confidence that they too would walk away with, in the very least, a better understanding of their own goals and how to reach them in their own unique way. They are both nearing the end of their bouts with Coach Stephanie and they are both full force in forward motion toward their goals. My Prince also spent some time with Stephanie a while back and he ended up finding that the very thing he was resisting in his career zone, was actually a perfect fit. He’s been inspired ever since. That’s the thing about coaching- there’s just no cookie cutter explanation. Coaching inspires the answers within you to surface. Everybody has a totally different composition. Stephanie’s natural ability and skill set hones in on each person’s individual values. Then she teams up with you to take your steps that will bring your life to life.
13 years ago (15-07-2013)
Stephanie is an amazing coach, she is literally helping me shift my life in a way I never thought would be possible.
What's so great about stephanie's work is that she helps you know your self best ( Yes, sometimes we lose track of who we are..) and emphasize your qualities to become a better version of your self, while leaving your unwanted patterns amazing is that??? She doesn't judge, doesn't advice, doesn't predict the future, doesn't diagnose you to give you a packaged treatment (like most therapists do). She just empowers you with great tools to help you reach out to your goals and dreams.
Stephanie is professional, focussed and efficient. I'm impressed by her capacity to remember every detail of what we talked in previous sessions and ability to connect the dots.
I feel that my possibilities are limitless since I started seeing her, it is one of the best decision I have made in my whole life, and I feel so grateful that my path came across hers. THANK YOU STEPHANIE FOR BEEING SO GREAT!!!
13 years ago (19-06-2013)