We've lived here for over 2 months and still don't have a mailbox... Their customer service is an absolute joke. They all act completely miserable at their jobs and make picking up your mail something you dread. They close early and make picking up mail a pain in the butt. None of them act like they care at all with giving you customer service that's worth talking about. They are way to comfortable in their jobs if you ask me.
8 years ago (17-03-2018)
I've been trying to get my mail sent to my new home since November. I've sent in 3 orders online. Went into the Santaquin post office 2 times. And I have been trying to contact someone named Heather for 3 weeks now. Every time I call she had left for the day. I finally asked if they could take a message for me because I'm sick of having my phone calls being dodged and the employee said yes and hung up on me..
7 years ago (25-04-2018)
Missing mail, specifically pay checks. Neighbors constantly getting our stuff at the community drop box.
7 years ago (25-04-2018)
I tried calling to ask how many stamps I need to put on my package and I have to go through many questions that don’t relate to the supjuct QUESTIONS then I sat on hold for 45 min and nobody answered even then.
8 years ago (03-01-2018)
My experience was pretty awful, maybe that was just me because I had never shipped any packages before, but according to everyone else I've talked to, it's pretty common here. I went in for the very first time on my own the other day to ship a package. I'm fairly young, so I had no idea what I was doing or how to do anything, but my mom had told me that most post office workers are super friendly and willing to help. I don't know if I just got a bad day, or what happened! I went in with my package (nothing written on it, because again, I didn't know what to do!) and I went up to the woman working behind the counter. I told her that I really didn't know what I was doing, but I'm not sure that really got through to her. She told me to write both the return address and the address of the person I was mailing it to, and then she walked away into another room to talk to the other workers. Alone in the room, I scrambled to find even a pen to write with before taking one from behind the desk. I plainly wrote out on the top of the box TO: and the address I was sending it to, and RETURN: with my address. She came back and looked at it, and then at me and said it wouldn't work and crossed it out. She then said, "the person you're sending it to has their address right here on this side, and you put yours on the other side" and quickly left me alone again. So, based on the information she gave me, I did just that and wrote it down again. Once she came back, she looked at me as if I was the biggest idiot in the world and said "that's wrong, too". After looking at it for a second she just got tired of helping me (at least that was the feeling I was getting) and said "well, it might work. If they send it back it's because you wrote it wrong". Which wasn't reassuring to me, because a)I did not want to pay twice and go through all of this again just because nobody wanted to help me with anything, and b) the only reason it WAS wrong was because she would rather have gone back to gossip with the others than help a teenager send a care packager to her brother for the first time. Then, she gave me the option of paying $22 for standard shipping, or $33 for two day shipping. I was a little alarmed at this price, because my mom had told me that the MOST I should expect was $15. My package only weighed about 5 pounds, and it wasn't fairly large (though I am aware that it might have been pricier because the box might have been an awkward length for them or something like that, so it could have been a fair price). I then paid and left, completely confused as to what had happened to the "friendly, helpful service" I had been expecting to receive. All of this said, I also talked with another woman after this and she said that she had went in once to change her PO box number for all of her mail to be forwarded to, and the workers there said "we don't do that here", but, when she demanded to see the head of mail there, they switched and fixed everything in about a minute. As far as that experience, I would say that maybe the workers who initially talk to customers are not AT ALL up to par, but we can't necessarily blame that on the head of mail. Overall, after this lengthy rant, I would never go back there again (hopefully, if I can help it).
9 years ago (21-08-2016)