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Washi̇ngton, Dc Museums
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total 88 results
Smithsonian Institution
6th Street & Independenc , Washington, DC 20001, DC, US
(202) 633-1000
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National Postal Museum
2 Massachusetts Ave NE , Washington, DC 20002, DC, US
(202) 633-5555
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Arts & Industries Building Smithsonian Institution
900 Jefferson Dr SW , Washington, DC 20560, DC, US
(202) 357-1300
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Clara Barton Missing Soldiers Office Museum
437 7th St NW , Washington, DC 20004, DC, US
(202) 824-0613
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Belmont-Paul Women's Equality National Monument
144 Constitution Ave NE , Washington, DC 20002, DC, US
(202) 543-2240
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Heurich House Museum
1307 New Hampshire Ave NW , Washington, DC 20036, DC, US
(202) 429-1894
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Smithsonian Institution
, Washington, DC 20001, DC, US
(202) 275-2000
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Hillwood Museum and Gardens
4155 Linnean Ave NW , Washington, DC 20008, DC, US
(202) 686-5807
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Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History
1000 Constitution Ave NW , Washington, DC 20004, DC, US
(202) 633-1000
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The Mansion On O Street
2020 O St NW , Washington, DC 20037, DC, US
(202) 496-2020
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Smithsonian Anacostia Community Museum
1901 Fort Pl SE , Washington, DC 20020, DC, US
(202) 633-4820
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The Octagon House
1799 New York Ave NW , Washington, DC 20006, DC, US
(202) 626-7439
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Historical Society of Washington, DC
801 K St NW , Washington, DC 20001, DC, US
(202) 249-3955
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National Archives and Records Administration
700 Pennsylvania Ave NW , Washington, DC 20408, DC, US
(866) 272-6272
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National Law Enforcement Museum
444 E St NW , Washington, DC 20001, DC, US
(202) 737-3400
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Young Benefactors Of The Smithsonian Institution
PO Box 23293 , Washington, DC 20026, DC, US
(202) 633-3030
Smithsonian Institution
901 D Street Nw Jefferson Dr , Washington, DC 20001, DC, US
(202) 633-2972
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Lillian & Albert Small Jewish Museum
701 3rd St NW , Washington, DC 20001, DC, US
(202) 789-0900
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Madame Tussauds Washington
1001 F St NW , Washington, DC 20004, DC, US
(202) 942-7301
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Air And Space Museum Albert Einstein Planetarium
563-599 Maryland Ave SW , Washington, DC 20024, DC, US
(866) 868-7774
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Woodrow Wilson International Center For Scholars
1300 Pennsylvania Ave NW At the Ronald Reagan Building, Washington, DC 20001, DC, US
(202) 691-4000
Smithsonian Theaters
10TH St And Constitution Ave NW , Washington, DC 20560, DC, US
(202) 633-4629
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Smithsonian Institution
750 9th St SE , Washington, DC 20003, DC, US
(202) 357-1300
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Wegman's Wonderplace
The National Museum Of American History 14th St, Washington, DC 20010, DC, US
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Smithsonian Institution
1300 Pennsylvania Ave NW , Washington, DC 20004, DC, US
(202) 691-4000
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Chinese American Museum
1218 16th St NW , Washington, DC 20036, DC, US
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Naval Heritage Center
701 Pennsylvania Ave NW , Washington, DC 20004, DC, US
(202) 380-0710
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Folger Shakespeare Library / Folger Theatre
201 E Capitol St SE , Washington, DC 20003, DC, US
(202) 544-7077
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White House Historical Association
740 Jackson Pl NW , Washington, DC 20001, DC, US
(202) 737-8292
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Donald W Reynolds Center for American Art And Portraiture
8TH St And F St , Washington, DC 20050, DC, US
(202) 633-1000
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Jerusalem Fund Gallery
2425 Virginia Ave NW , Washington, DC 20037, DC, US
(202) 338-1958
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National Museum of American History
14TH St And Constitution Ave NW , Washington, DC 20002, DC, US
(202) 633-1000
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American University Museum at the Katzen Arts Center
4400 Massachusetts Ave NW , Washington, DC 20016, DC, US
(202) 885-1300
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Smithsonian Institution
3001 Connecticut Ave NW , Washington, DC 20008, DC, US
(202) 633-1000
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Smithsonian Institution
2700 F St NW , Washington, DC 20566, DC, US
(202) 467-4600
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The George Washington University Museum and The Textile Museum
701 21st St NW , Washington, DC 20052, DC, US
(202) 994-5200
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National Geographic Museum
1145 17th St NW , Washington, DC 20036, DC, US
(202) 857-7700
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Old Korean Legation Museum
1500 13th St NW , Washington, DC 20005, DC, US
(202) 844-3330
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United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
100 Raoul Wallenberg Pl SW , Washington, DC 20024, DC, US
(202) 488-0400
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Museum of the Palestinian People
1900 18th St NW , Washington, DC 20009, DC, US
(202) 290-3684
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Jewish War Veterans of USA
1811 R St NW , Washington, DC 20009, DC, US
(202) 265-6280
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Discovery Theater
1100 Jefferson Dr SW National Mall, Washington, DC 20560, DC, US
(202) 633-8700
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Smithsonian Institution
1901 Fort Pl SE , Washington, DC 20020, DC, US
(202) 633-1000
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National Society Daughters of the American Revolution
1776 D St NW , Washington, DC 20006, DC, US
(202) 628-1776
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Ford's Theatre
511 10th St NW , Washington, DC 20004, DC, US
(202) 347-4833
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America's Islamic Heritage Museum
2315 Martin Luther King Junior Ave SE , Washington, DC 20020, DC, US
(202) 610-0586
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Saint John Paul II National Shrine
3900 Harewood Rd NE , Washington, DC 20017, DC, US
(202) 635-5400
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The Kreeger Museum
2401 Foxhall Rd NW , Washington, DC 20007, DC, US
(202) 337-3050
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Money Engraving and Printing Bureau of
, Washington, DC 20001, DC, US
(202) 874-2361
Press Smithsonian Institution Press
750 9th St NW , Washington, DC 20001, DC, US
(202) 275-2300
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The Smithsonian Institution
1000 Jefferson Dr SW , Washington, DC 20560, DC, US
(202) 357-1300
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National Museum of African American History and Culture
1400 Constitution Ave NW , Washington, DC 20560, DC, US
(844) 750-3012
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Anne Truitt: Perception and Reflection at the Hirshhorn Museum
Independence Avenue At Seventh St SW , Washington, DC 20001, DC, US
(202) 633-1000
Smithsonian American Art Museum
801 F St NW , Washington, DC 20001, DC, US
(202) 633-1000
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US Government Publishing Office
732 North Capitol St NW , Washington, DC 20401, DC, US
(202) 512-1957
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National Building Museum
401 F St NW , Washington, DC 20001, DC, US
(202) 272-2448
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City Museum of Washington DC
801 K St NW , Washington, DC 20001, DC, US
(202) 383-1800
National Museum of the American Indian
4th St & Independence Ave SW , Washington, DC 20560, DC, US
(202) 633-1000
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National Woman's Party
144 Constitution Ave NE , Washington, DC 20002, DC, US
(202) 546-1210
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Post Home of Marjorie Merriweather
4155 Linnean Ave NW , Washington, DC 20008, DC, US
(202) 686-5807
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S. Dillon Ripley Center
1100 Jefferson Dr SW , Washington, DC 20560, DC, US
(202) 633-1000
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DAR Museum
1776 D St NW , Washington, DC 20006, DC, US
(202) 628-1776
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Smithsonian Institution
1825 Connecticut Ave NW , Washington, DC 20009, DC, US
(202) 673-1641
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Smithsonian Associates
1100 Jefferson Dr SW Smithsonian S Dillon Ripley Center, Washington, DC 20560, DC, US
(202) 633-3030
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The Petersen House - House Where Lincoln Died
516 10th St Nw , Washington, DC 20001, DC, US
(202) 347-4833
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Frederick Douglass National Historic Site
1411 W St SE , Washington, DC 20020, DC, US
(202) 426-5961
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Smithsonian Institution
1 Woodrow Wilson Plz , Washington, DC 20001, DC, US
(202) 691-4200
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555 Pennsylvania Ave NW , Washington, DC 20001, DC, US
(888) 639-7386
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National Air and Space Museum- Grab and Go Cafe
655 Jefferson Dr SW , Washington, DC 20560, DC, US
(202) 633-2214
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National Guard Memorial Museum
One Massachusetts Ave NW , Washington, DC 20001, DC, US
(202) 408-5887
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National Museum Of America Indian
300 Maryland , Washington, DC 20002, DC, US
(202) 392-2238
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National Museum of American Jewish Military History
1811 R St NW , Washington, DC 20009, DC, US
(202) 265-6280
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Anderson House
2118 Massachusetts Ave NW , Washington, DC 20008, DC, US
(202) 785-2040
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Swann Street Gallery
1767 Swann St NW , Washington, DC 20009, DC, US
(202) 316-5329
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African American Civil War Memorial Freedom Foundation
1925 Vermont Ave , Washington, DC 20001, DC, US
(202) 667-2667
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Laogai Museum
1901 18th St NW , Washington, DC 20009, DC, US
(202) 730-9308
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Dumbarton House
2715 Q St NW , Washington, DC 20007, DC, US
(202) 337-2288
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Charles Sumner School Museum & Archives
1201 17th St NW , Washington, DC 20036, DC, US
(202) 730-0478
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Smithsonian Museum Store
50 Massachusetts Ave NE , Washington, DC 20002, DC, US
International Spy Museum
700 L'Enfant Plz , Washington, DC 20024, DC, US
(202) 393-7798
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Lockheed Martin IMAX Theater- National Air and Space Museum
6TH St Independence Ave SW National Air And Space Museum, Washington, DC 20560, DC, US
(866) 868-7774
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Museum of the Bible
400 4th St SW , Washington, DC 20024, DC, US
(866) 430-6682
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Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum
Independence Ave And 6th St SW , Washington, DC 20560, DC, US
(202) 633-1000
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Society of Cincinnati
2118 Massachusetts Ave NW , Washington, DC 20008, DC, US
(202) 785-2040
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The Frederick Douglass Museum On Capitol Hill
320 A St NE , Washington, DC 20002, DC, US
(202) 544-6130
Samuel C Johnson IMAX Theater
10TH St And Constitution Ave NW National Museum Of Natural History, Washington, DC 20560, DC, US
(866) 868-7774
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The L Ron Hubbard House Museum
1812 19th St NW , Washington, DC 20009, DC, US
(202) 234-7490
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German-American Heritage Museum
719 6th St NW , Washington, DC 20001, DC, US
(202) 467-5000
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Washi̇ngton, Dc Museums Map, Satellite View of List