It was everything people said it would be- a half hour wait to drive to a big fenced in dirt area with a volcanic rock monument- but it was excellent. The NPS rangers and volunteers were helpful and the exhibits, though most were temporary, were great at explaining the importance of the site and who was part there as part of the Manhattan Project. Whatever picture you have mentally expecting the Trinity site to be is wrong, so go be surprised and see it in person!
8 years ago (12-04-2018)
A very unique experience. Only open twice a year and well worth the effort to visit. Be sure you have proper ID for entering. We visited the memorial at Ground Zero and the McDonald Ranch House. You may take pictures at Ground Zero and the Ranch House, however, you may not take pictures to and from these areas. Food and souvenirs are for sale at this open house, however, all transactions are cash only.
8 years ago (27-02-2018)
You can only visit the first weekend of April and October but it was so interesting! Lots of pictures, great pamphlet, lots of information. Totally worth the trip!
7 years ago (07-05-2018)
After touring Los Alamos National Laboratory, our class went to the Trinity Site White Sands National Monument where the first nuclear test occurred in 1946. It was very interesting seeing the site, but I was very glad to get away from there. I appreciated the history lesson, but thinking about the impact of nuclear war was a bit too much.
7 years ago (14-05-2018)
It's an amazing place to visit but because of the limited times available to visit (2 days a year) the crowds are huge and it kind of takes away from the solemnity of it all. But kudos to the Army for making the place available for us, all of the soldiers, staff, volunteers and police were great hosts and extremely helpful at managing the heavy (at times) traffic.
8 years ago (21-04-2018)