My wife had open heart surgery here last week and i must say the Doctors and Nurses were great! We could not have asked for a better experience. The nurses were very prompt from ICU to regular room! The Doctors had great bed side manners! Our overall experience was exceptional
8 years ago (22-02-2018)
HORIBBLE PLACE.. NEVER GO HERE. I have seen better ran animal shelters. They made the wrong post up for me so my appointment was a week late then the day comes and I sit in the waiting room for 2 hours with out ever being called and NO ONE KNOWS A DAMN THING
8 years ago (27-03-2018)
In defining greatness, "All companies have a culture, some companies have discipline, but few companies have a culture of discipline" (Good to Great).
Louisiana is underachieving despite the number of requests made for standards to be applied. The vast majority of employees are good to very good workers who will provide excellent care and in some cases carry the work load of others. However, watching one employee come in everyday for several months do close to nothing but breathe is disrespectful and unprofessional. The manager witnessed this on multiple occasions but chose to ignore the behavior. Why? If the work gets completed, why bother, right? In the end, any under performing employee was treated exactly the same as the hardest working staff member because as a team, the work got done.
Look. Everyone has the opportunity to be treated equally, but at the same time, it devalues the work culture when your best workers who do double the amount of work with greater effectiveness and efficiency is incredulous. There is little accountability. I understand the politics of all systems, but this is the true state of Louisiana culture. We are living in this situation with little hope for improvement.
In the book called "Good to Great," it states, "The right people will do the right things and deliver the best results they're capable of, regardless of the incentive system." There are excellent employees who will deliver great care. No doubt.
However, juxtaposing them with a number of under performing team members is unprofessional and appalling. It is not to say this person(s) is incapable or unpleasant, but it is a problem when they purposefully underperform allowing others to do the work. For instance, to carry on hour long conversations on bluetooth everyday for 4 months straight before it was addressed shows how leadership is lacking. It took 4 months to correct this behavior even though (s)he did this everyday for 4 months. That's 80 days of various opportunities to gently remind her that patient care comes first. Nope. Management doesn't have the willingness of character to lead by example.
Honestly, the hospital provides good care but quite often there are these kinds of people who jeopardize what the team is trying to build. But allowing them to exist without much of a documented correction is why Louisiana ranked #51 out of 50 states (#USNEWS 2018) in opportunities, education, healthcare, etc. This exemplifies the lackadasical-lassed-faire-motif. This is a systemic issue that is far to common and with no hopes of elevating itself to #1.
In the end, I would be happy to discuss improvements and suggestions to change the work culture because if one was ever curious, the data is saved in EPIC documenting the productivity of Bluetooth Guy/Girl.
7 years ago (10-05-2018)
If you want assistance from people who simply do not care, come to this hospital. These are the most unprofessional, uncaring, rude, ignorant group of personel that I have ever encountered in my entire existence. My husband was in a terrible car wreck. They sent him home with staples to the head, a broken arm etc within hours And in severe pain. When I called the number on the discharge papers for further assistance once he returned home, the nurse STEVEN was so nonchalant and non cooperative to any of my questions til it was ridiculous. They treat you like garbage here. They dispose of you as such after giving funky treatment. I always choose Oschner where you get top notch service. I would never stoop this low at seeking help at this disgusting hospital. Even the ER receptionist is rude. I will be writing a complaint to the medical board. This is grossly unacceptable. I will get every last one of your names and report you. I give you my word. And to add insult to injury, how do you guys have the audacity not to offer a wheel chair to someone who is in severe pain and barely even conscious enough to walk. Don't even worry about getting paid. Y'all can take your service and request for payment and shove it. I can't wait to report y'all idiots!
8 years ago (24-03-2018)
I would like to first off point out that Doctor Ingel is an outstanding and caring Doctor. I had the chance and pleasure to have him as my Doctor which was and still is an honor!Doctor INoel should be nominated as the best doctor at UMC. And also LPN Mitchell Handrich that goes without saying a caring and understanding Nurse. Mr. Handrich goes out of his way to make sure that his patipatients are happy and being taken care of. I visited the 4th Floor on 05 02 2018 at around 730am,and I was disappointed that the cable for each of the television was out, there was only a static screen with no picture. Did UMC forget to pay there cable bill?Please look into this matter regarding no picture on the t.v. !
7 years ago (02-05-2018)