Oh! This brand new, state of the art facility is great! So nice clean pleasant cages for the cats & dogs.
The staff & volunteers are very busy but at the same time very nice. (just be patient)
It is open 7 days a week so there is time to look for a lost pet or adopt one.
7 years ago (27-05-2018)
Research deep into this place before you leave animals here, especially cats and kittens. We were told if we brought in 5 orphan kittens they would be cared for until they were adopted. Later that night, I was told that this place lies and the kittens would be put to sleep. They were dropped off at 6pm and I and a rescue person called at 8am the following morning to get them back. Only 14 hours later, they had already been killed. They were cute, healthy kittens that their only sin was to be scared because they were in a strange place with strangers and they dared to hiss little hisses at them. Why didn’t the female that spent 10 minutes with them tell me when she came back that there might be a problem so I could take them back. What a cruel and heartless place to kill these little kittens. I have since heard this is by far not the only incident similar to this. Supervisors were spoken to, but just so much blah blah blah in answer. For all the nice new beautiful facility and glowing writeups, they fall terribly short of the reason they are supposed to be there to care for orphan animals. Shame on all of you!!!
7 years ago (18-05-2018)
This new facility is amazing and the animals seem to be very well taken care of. I would definitely adopt my next dog from this place. The location is a little out of the way but it's worth the drive.
7 years ago (22-05-2018)
Don't take your cats or kitten's here. They are liars and kill perfectly healthy kittens in under 24 hours from receiving them even after spending time with them and promising they will be taken care of in the new facility. I'm not sure how they live with themselves taking in 5 kittens that they know would not be left if they were not going to be taken care of. Even with a rescue on the way to pick them up and the person that dropped them off calling within 18 hours of dropping the kittens off because a local rescue told her this shelter regularly lies and just immediately kills the kittens vs taking care of them. So much for their state of the art facility built to care for animals. Fortunately one of the kittens would not come out of hiding that day. He has now been turned over to a cat rescue that works with PetSmart and has a great new foster family caring for him. I'm going to make a sizable donation to that rescue and do everything I can to expose this shelter for what it is. DON'T TAKE ANIMALS HERE!!!!!!!!!
7 years ago (18-05-2018)
I am completely upset and disappointed with this facility!!! I had rescued a kitten, with all intents of keeping him!!! After a few days, I had become very sick, realizing I was extremely allergic to him. So I did some research for no kill facilities, so that he could have a chance at finding a caring loving home. When I chose this facility and turned him in, I really thought I was doing the right thing. Just recently I found out that they have a catch and release program. Any healthy cats that are brought in that were rescued, they will treat anything needed, and then take them back to the location they were found and release them back to the streets. This was Not at all what I had hoped for this kitten. The reason why I know this information now, is because they did not take him to the location where I found him. They brought him back to my house. I came home from work and found him at my door crying. And now I'm having the same troubles not being able to keep him, because I am so allergic to him. My heart was in the right place. I was completely unaware of such program and that something like this would happen to him or me!!!! Not once did they mention that something like this would happen or that they had such a program with rescued cats. Had they told me, I would have found a better place to take him so that he would have a chance at finding a loving family!!! I'm Truly Upset about this!!!
8 years ago (03-03-2018)