Ever since this shelter went into no-kill status I've had even more respect for them. They are helpful and there is no shortage of animals ready for adoption. The raffle process that happens at 1 every Friday for the dogs who have multiple potential new families can be a bummer if you don't win, but at least you know they are all going to good homes. I've adopted multiple animals here and it has always been a good experience.
8 years ago (19-01-2018)
I came to this shelter to volunteer and was treated very rudely by the only (I think) Hispanic Guy with gel spiked hair, he told me he called someone to give me more information so I waited 30mins until he noticeably let out *sigh* of annoyance and called someone to help me. The pony tailed thin blonde Lady covered in cat hair was sweet and gave proper information though I did not return because of the rudeness. Same smugness different person when I attempted to volunteer months later. Employees if you’re reading this, yes we get it that you work with rescued animals but get off your high horse because how you treat people does matter and affect wether these animals find a home or not.
8 years ago (22-03-2018)
They say they are open at 9am to 6pm, but they kennels are only open at 1pm. Would like to see the open hours be changed to the correct hours.
8 years ago (24-04-2018)
They delivered my dogs paw print to my home! Who does this? These folks and I am so grateful after losing my sweet dog....
8 years ago (01-02-2018)
I recently adopted a very sweet 6.5 year old cat. They told me she had a URI (which it totally curable)so I made sure to get her in to the vet ASAP. Well after putting her through a battery of tests to ensure she was healthy I have been told she is in kidney failure! I just put a cat down after fighting it for 1.5 years 4 months ago. I am mad they did not run the right tests to make sure she was healthy before making her available for adoption. Now I wont return her because she deserves a chance but basically my vet told me its just a matter of time. I plan on keeping her happy as long as she is feeling good but once I see her start to go down I will let her go.
8 years ago (30-10-2017)